Emergency food distribution held for Salton City families affected by power outage
SALTON CITY – Families affected by power outages in the area received food assistance during a drive-up emergency distribution held by the Imperial Valley Food Bank outside of the West Shores Assembly of God on Tuesday.
“We served 229 families and provided a total of 10,837 pounds of food,” said Alba Sanchez, Director of Programs for the local food bank.
From 10 A.M. to noon, families received a variety of food items including produce, tortillas, chicken, fruit juices, and a box of nonperishable food, shared Sanchez.
The pop-up emergency food distribution was aimed at alleviating community members’ struggles following power outages that lasted nearly a week for many residents. Strong winds in the area had knocked down 35 power poles north of Salton City and 41 others south of the city on Feb. 21 causing the power outage in the area, according to the Imperial Irrigation District.
As the central food distribution center for the region, the Imperial Valley Food Bank is focused on providing reliable service to those in our community experiencing food emergencies. The Salton City emergency food distribution was made possible through a collaboration with the Imperial County Office of Emergency Services.