Imperial Valley Food Bank Launches Monthly Food Distribution in Slab City
SLAB CITY, CA – The Imperial Valley Food Bank served 153 families during its first monthly food distribution in Slab City on Tuesday.
“This is life changing and life saving for so many people,” said Vicky Loftis, a Slab City local during the morning food distribution. “It is going to make a difference.”
The food bank’s emergency response in the region following September 1st Storm prompted the nonprofit to consider launching a monthly mobile food distribution in Slab City.
“While speaking to community members, we discovered a lack of transportation available for many Slab City residents that could benefit monthly from the food bank’s Niland food distribution,” said Sara Griffen, Executive Director for the food bank.
The mobile food distribution is the first of its kind to be hosted by the Imperial Valley Food Bank in Slab City. Previously residents would have to travel 3.8 miles from Slab City to Niland to receive monthly supplemental nutritious food. Residents without transportation would walk more than 30 minutes to Niland and back carrying 30 to 40 pounds of food with them.
“As you can see most people are on foot, they have no transportation,” Loftis said during the Tuesday morning distribution in Slab City. “We have elderly, some disabled people, so it is just life changing for so many that could not previously get to Niland.”
The I.V. Food Bank worked with community leaders in Slab City to notify residents of the food distribution, which was held from 8 AM to 10 AM on Tuesday, October 3.
Community members in Slab City received the same types of foods provided at all mobile food distributions hosted by the food bank this October, which included grapes, carrots, plums, sweet limes, tortillas, chicken, rice, beans, lentils, garbanzo beans, tomato sauce, pasta, sweet potatoes, peanut butter, hydration drinks, and mixed fruit.
“We have several volunteers that are carrying the food to cars or taking people to and from their home and delivering their stuff because they can’t walk,” Loftis said during the distribution. “It’s a beautiful thing to see everyone help each other.”
The new monthly food distribution is especially needed in Slab City, considering that grocery stores are not located in the immediate area.
“During the summer we have a base population of about 250 to 300 people that are here year-round,” Loftis explained.
Slab City’s newest food distribution program is just one way the food bank is continuing to make strides towards ending food insecurity in all parts of Imperial County.
“Our goal is to make a difference in the lives of those Imperial County residents who are struggling to access nutritious food,” said Alba Sanchez, IVFB Director of Programs. “We are committed to improving the well-being of our neighbors by providing them with essential food supplies."
If you would like to help support the Slab City community and assist the 25,000 Imperial County residents the I.V. Food Bank serves each month, please consider donating online today at
If you or someone you know would like more information on obtaining monthly food assistance, please contact the I.V. Food Bank at (760) 545-0148.