November 24, 2021
June Newsletter
Nonprofit of the Year!
June 26, 2021
I.V. Food Bank is Sen. Hueso’s Nonprofit of the Year
2021 Designation Comes as Agency Sets 30-Year Records in Food, Families Served
April 30, 2020
I.V. Food Bank Again Breaks Records Serving COVID-Affected
In yet another record-setting month, volunteers and Imperial Valley Food Bank staff fed some 356 local families and handed out about 20,000 pounds of food on April 27
March 20, 2020
No Slowing Down For I.V. Food Bank During Pandemic
The Imperial Valley Food Bank has enacted several new protocol to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 and meet the needs of its clients during the pandemic.
January 12, 2020
New Food Bank Built For the Long Haul
After a five-year capital campaign a new Imperial Valley Food Bank facility came to fruition at 486 W. Aten Blvd. in Imperial
October 24, 2019
New Food Bank Warehouse in Imperial Helps Overcome Hunger
Advancement must have its origin in a vision of the future, and so it was for Sara Griffen, executive director of the Imperial Valley Food Bank, who foresaw what needed to be done to better serve the area’s needy families.